Friday, August 30, 2013

on my mind

only a wake up, before the big day!

i've got the old, new, & blue covered... now to find something borrowed. 

so glad there's not a pinch in my head this morning...
we cracked open a few bottles of wine with out of town friends last night.

only 50 mini pecan pies left to make...  that's not many is it?

so excited to have so many out of town friends here with us... the celebration has already started!

 today is the day i test my skills as a florist...going for something like this & this.

 just because... my dream house.

the next stop costa rica!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you guys the best today -
    Once in awhile, Right in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a fairy tale.~Anonymous

    Your life is anything but ordinary but may the life you have together be extraordinary!
    Samantha, Graham and Rachel
